TikkiToxin Commissions

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Entering Database: Prices

Headshot/Bust: $20

Waist or Thighs-Up: $30

Full-Body: $35

Reference Sheet: $50

Note: These are the base prices for these styles of art! You can request any of them as a sketch. Sketches are $5 cheaper if coloured, and $10 cheaper if left blank.


+ Coloured Lineart: $10
Coloured lineart is when individual sections are coloured based on the base colour. Having all the lines be one colour is at no extra cost!
+ Extra Character: $15+ Shading (Soft or flat): $10+ Full Shading: $15 (Full shading is a combination of soft and flat shading!)+ Complex Background (Landscapes, etc): $20

Entering Database: Payment Info

I accept payment through PayPal only, fully upfront. Once we have things worked out either through Twitter DMs or email, I'll send you an invoice.
My prices are calculated in USD, but I don't mind accepting any sort of currency, as long as it's the equivalent price!

Entering Database: Portfolio

Entering Database: About/Wills and Will-Nots


Hello! I'm Azzy, or Tikki. I'm a Canadian artist, hoping to do this professionally someday.I'm still learning, so my style tends to change a lot between pieces if I'm feeling experimental. If you want your piece drawn in a specific style, I can definitely try my best! But, for the most part, my art tends to land in the category of cartoon realism, with mostly accurate proportions, but a few simplifications or stylizations here and there.I'm most comfortable drawing humans, or other similarly humanoid creatures, like anthropomorphic animals or fantasy creatures. My style isn't too complex, so I find it harder to work more detailed designs to fit. But I'm always willing to give it a try!Thank you for looking over my commission options, whether you're considering it or not!

Will Draw

- Anthropomorphic animals or digitigrade legs
- Most all body types
- Complex ruffles/outfits with lots of parts or layers
- Fur textures/patterns
- Simple robotic/mechanical designs or armour
- Specific lighting (from candlelight to backlighting, or something more complex)

Won't Draw

- Detailed mechs/Complex weapons (melee stuff like swords and axes yes, but not like super detailed guns)
- Fetish art of any kind
- NSFW content in general
- Major gore or horror (Organs, flesh wounds, fresh amputations, etc. Little cuts or blood splatters are fine)
- Depictions of abuse/harmful imagery (a character with self-harm scars is fine, but I won't draw a character self-harming)
- For free (duh)